De ce sunt mai multe servere, pe care il aleg?
In general sunt 2 sau 3 servere, aceste servere ne garanteaza noua ca serviciul va functiona perfect.
Puteti alege orice server, care va merge mai bine.

Cand apar emisiunile pe site?
In general, emisiunile apar pe site-ul nostru intre 2 ore si maxim 12 ore de la difuzarea lor la TV.

Uneori primesc mesajul "content not found" iar alteori mesajul "encoding in progress", ce trebuie sa  fac?
Nu trebuie sa faceti nimic! Aceste mesaje apar cand emisiunile inca nu au fost incarcate pe site-ul nostru si trebuie doar sa asteptati putin.

De ce apar reclame pe clipuri uneori?
Asa cum am spus in rubrica "despre noi", aceste clipuri nu sunt gazduite de noi, sunt incarcate pe diverse platforme online care pot adauga in orice moment reclame.

Clipurile nu se incarca, ce pot face?
Daca unul sau mai multe clipuri nu va functioneaza, cel mai probabil este din cauza browserului sau unui ad-block.
Va recomandam sa incercati alt browser si sa dezactivati ad-block-ul in timpul rularii clipului.

Un clip a fost sters, cum il pot vizualiza iarasi?
Va rugam sa ne contactati la rubrica "contact", posibil ca unele clipuri sa fi fost sterse din anumite motive.


Diaspora TV is a pro-DMCA website and as such Content Owners can use the DMCA protocol to request removal of links to videos that they believe infringe their copyright. Content owners must understand that by having a link removed from Diaspora TV they will not be removing the actual source video from the 3rd party site. Content owners must contact the video hosting site themselves to request removal. Content owners must also understand that Diaspora TV is a complex system of automatic indexers, robotic scripts and user submissions; if a video exists on the web we will at some point find it and index it. It is entirely possible that we will index a previously removed video that is hosted using a different URL or different hosting website. If this happens please let us know as per DMCA protocol and we will address the issue. Please do not send DMCA requests asking for entire channels, categories or shows to be removed. We only accept requests for an actual link to be removed.


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